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Shaker Pines Firefighters' Association

Shaker Pines Firefighter's Association

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes



The meeting was called to order at 19:00 by Acting President Mike Waterman


Roll call was taken. The following members were in attendance:


Mele, Rodriguez, Aiken, Davis, Guyette, Waterman, Prajzner, Harz, McGuire


The minutes from the meeting were read by Secretary Amanda Mele. A motion was made by McGuire, seconded by Harz to accept the minutes as read. The motion passed.


The Treasure's Report:


Attached Report


A motion by McGuire, seconded by Davis to accept the treasure's report as read. The motion passed.


Bills and Communications:










Prajzner asked if anyone had any questions/concerns/comments regarding the proposed bylaw changes. There was no discussion.


A motion was made by Prajzner, seconded by McGuire to accept last months proposed bylaw changes. The motion passed.


New Business:


A motion was made by Prajzner, seconded by Rodriguez to table Shawna Prajzner for one month for association membership. The motion passed.


A motion was made by Waterman, seconded by Rodriguez to table Brandi Waterman for one month for association membership. The motion passed.

A motion was made by Harz, seconded by Rodriguez to table Karen Harz for one month for association membership. The motion passed.


A motion was made by Rodriguez, seconded by Prajzner to table Amy Rodriguez for one month for association membership. The motion passed.


A motion was made by Mele, seconded by McGuire to table Jason Mele for one month for association membership. The motion passed.


A motion was made by Prajzner, seconded by Rodriguez to return Harry Guyette’s association dues, due to the revised bylaws. The motion passed.


Good and Welfare:




A motion was made by Guyette, seconded by McGuire to adjourn the meeting at 19:10 Hrs. The motion passed.



Respectfully Submitted,




Amanda Mele, Secretary


Minutes are not official until read and accepted at the next regular monthly meeting.

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